Cancer patients have a lot on their plates--from the psychological effects of knowing that a growth within their body is threatening their health, to the physical rigors of conventional cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation. Speaking of plates, though, what diet is appropriate for cancer patients? Can they eat anything, or are there foods that might be best avoided?
Fruits and Vegetables
Tomatoes are recommended for those with prostate cancer. The lycopene in tomatoes, which is a powerful antioxidant, has been found to reduce some cancer and even heart disease. Other vegetables which have demonstrated some cancer-fighting abilities include garlic, soy, cabbage, ginger, parsnip, parsley, celery, carrots and cilantro. Onions, citrus, flax seed and cauliflower, while less proven, are nevertheless believed to fight cancer to a moderate degree. Most fruits only help, too, as they are loaded with antioxidants, fiber, potassium and folate--all of which helps the body fight cancer. Especially recommended: fresh berries, apples and bananas.
While highly caffeinated drinks like coffee and some teas should be avoided, other teas have shown to be beneficial for cancer patients. These include green teas, black teas and oolong teas. Alcohol should be avoided by cancer patients.
Grains and Dairy
Cancer patients should feel free to consume dairy products like milk, yogurt, cheese and butter. Still, cancer patients should avoid more than three servings of dairy each day. Whole grains are highly recommended for cancer patients. True whole grain products are a fantastic source of antioxidants. In additional, whole grains contain lots of B vitamins, vitamin E, fiber, iron and magnesium. Such whole grains include popcorn, bulgar, barley, oatmeal, wild rice, brown rice, whole wheat, millet and sorghum.
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