
Sabtu, 17 Mei 2014

How to Gain Weight With Diabetes

Oddly enough, one of the symptoms of diabetes is sudden, unexplained weight loss. If that person was within a healthy weight range to begin with, weight gain is necessary for personal appearance and health. Gaining weight with diabetes is very similar to gaining weight without. There are certain rules, however, that are different. For example, if you have diabetes, you can't load up on bread and sweets. You must get your calories from another source to safely gain weight with diabetes.



    Place a bag of nuts in your briefcase, purse, car or home. Nuts contain healthy fat and a lot of calories. If you want to gain weight without altering your blood sugar too much, this is what you should snack on between meals.


    Add cheese, eggs and gravy to your meals where appropriate. Cheese-covered vegetables, eggs in your mashed potatoes and chicken covered with gravy are all examples. Each of these items adds a lot of calories to your meals to help you gain weight.


    Work closely with your doctor and blood glucose monitor to make sure your new weight gain diet works fine with your current diabetes medication. If done correctly, there should be no real change in your levels.


    Add weight training to your weekly routine. Three days a week, lift weights, do push-ups or perform other exercises that simulate resistance. Muscle weighs more than fat, so the more you add to your body, the more you will weigh. You will have to eat more food to gain muscle instead of lose weight, though.


    Eat a healthy carbohydrate before bed. An apple, banana or sandwich is perfect. Although eating anything right before bed can help you gain weight, carbs will actually help you sleep, while foods high in protein and fat can negatively affect your sleep.

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