Losing weight on the Atkins diet is actually much easier than other weight loss programs. You are less hungry, and can eat tons of fatty foods, and still lose weight. The induction phase of the Atkins diet is the first phase and usually lasts about 2 weeks. On this phase of the diet you eat certain foods and will usually lose the most amount of weight.
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Go to your local drugstore and purchase some lipolysis strips. They have them specifically for low carbohydrate diets now. These will tell you if your body is burning fat. You put them under a stream of urine. The darker they are, the more fat your body is burning.
2Your carbohydrate content should stay under 20 grams per day. Most unprocessed meats and eggs contain no carbohydrates, so you can eat these in unlimited amounts.
3Eat eggs and sausage or bacon for breakfast. Be sure that the sausage or bacon has the least amount of carbohydrates possible (usually about 1 gram per serving).
4Eat 2 cups of salad daily and up to 3 ounces of cheese. You can add these to any foods.
5Eat hamburger, chicken, steak and shrimp in any amount you please. You can eat lunchmeat as well, just check carbohydrate content.
6Do not eat any bread, pasta, cereals, potatos, cakes or anything else that is not meat, eggs, salad or cheese.
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