
Senin, 22 Juli 2013

Fat Flush Detox Diet

The Fat Flush Diet Plan is an extensive plan that uses flaxseed and cranberry juice as part of a major ongoing detoxification program. The special dietary recommendations that the plan offers, combined with drinking plenty of fluids and moderate exercise, make this plan effective and useful. The Fat Flush Detox Diet is considered to be more of a lifestyle change, offering a maintenance plan once the dieter has reached his or her weight-loss goal.

The Phases

    There are three phases of the plan. Phase I is between one to two weeks, depending on the individual. It's considered to be a restrictive phase where you cut out most of your food and drink choices. Many of these choices will be incorporated back into the diet later. Individuals in Phase I can eat between 1,100 and 1,200 calories a day and are not allowed to eat oils, sugar, margarine or fats, with the exception of flax seeds and flax seed oil, which is the basis of the plan.

    Phase II is an ongoing phase throughout the plan. The calorie allowance is lifted from 1,100 to 1,200 calories to 1,500 calories, but the other restrictions still apply. Once you have reached your desired weight loss goal, you enter the maintenance phase, which is Phase II and the final phase of the plan.

    In the maintenance phase, you can eat 1,500 calories or more. Some starchy carbohydrates can be gradually added back into the diet, along with gluten-free grains and some dairy products.


    Exercise is very important in the Fat Flush Plan. It doesn't have to be an excessive; the recommendation is that the individual gets between 20 to 40 minutes of physical activity a day. This activity can be low impact, such as walking or lifting weights. Strength training is recommended at least twice per week. Sleep is the next important factor, with the recommended daily amount being at least eight hours a night.


    Drinking liquids is a huge part of the plan and you will be switching between something called a "long life cocktail" and hot water with lemon juice. The "long life cocktail" consists of cranberry juice, water with psyllium husks or ground flax seeds mixed together.

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